Thursday, September 4, 2008

And all the clouds that loured upon our house....

...have gone, and it's a nice bright sunny morning. I need shades to work in the kitchen. All that cloudiness in the middle of August was beginning to trouble me. On top of that, forecast temperatures are down. According to the Weather Network at least, which is usually not bad as forecasting goes, although with all the microclimates around here the weather is often quite a guessing game.

Last year I'm told temperatures hovered around the 26-28 degree Celsius marker for much of August and early September, at the time of writing the forcast highs are 21-23 degrees. Sun still blank. Hmm.

Have found the proper records, and although temperatures have maxed at 28 Celsius in August, the average seems only slightly down at present. Yet it is down this year on last. Or as people round here are saying "Global what?"

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